James Wilder 50km

James was the son of Abel Wilder and father of Almanzo Wilder.  He lived at the Wilder farm in Burke, New York from 1840 until 1875 when the family moved to Spring Valley, Minnesota.  Naturally, anyone who leads his family half-way across the country in 1875 deserves in the least, to have a foot race named after them.

The James Wilder covers 50km of gravel terrain, offering more of a challenge than your blacktop laden marathon.  Rounding out to about 30.5 miles, the James boasts all of the benefits his father had to offer with a little more leniency.

The James Wilder foot race will start at 8AM on Saturday May 16th in downtown Spring Valley. 

5 responses to “James Wilder 50km

  1. Tim,
    Good question. We will write up a more detailed schedule of events shortly, but as of now the 30K and the 50K will take place on Sunday May 20th at 8AM, giving everyone the opportunity to ride and run. The 100K is the only running event taking place on Saturday May 19th. Hope to see your postcard soon!


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